Greenfield Software Inc. Member

Contact Mike Baumgardner
2326 S Church St Ste D
Burlington, NC 27215
Tel (800) 226-9366

Greenfield develops software that streamlines the everyday processes that matter to staffing firms, saving time and money by simplifying front and back office tasks and processes.

Our software is rigorously tested in real-world applications and backed by personalized service from highly trained platform experts, ensuring optimal performance.

Our unique solution has been trusted by leading firms for nearly three decades, while constantly evolving to mee the ever-changing needs of staffing professionals.

How Staffing Pros Use Tech to Improve Customer Experience

Managing the customer experience can be a tricky proposition. With the rise of the omni-channel customer, capable of interacting with your brand on an ever-increasing number of platforms, the CX waters are murkier than ever. Couple this with the financial effects that many companies have felt through the pandemic, often leading to shrunken budgets and…

In Staffing (Mobile) Appearance is Everything

From marketing to entering time, your mobile experience better be sharp.  One lesson the coronavirus has taught us is that we’re probably overly dependent on our phones. Our little beacons of entertainment, connection, and information are always on, always nearby and, most often, our go-to means of interacting with friends, family, and brands. Before the…

Want Happy Clients? Give Them Happy Candidates.

Everyone loves happy clients, right? Staffing professionals across all disciplines put a heavy emphasis on building and maintaining productive relationships with their clients, built on professional needs and solutions and the ever-present knowledge that the staffing pro will bend over backwards to keep them happy and their needs met—literally, if necessary. To be fair, it’s…