Nixer Comp, Inc. Member

Suite 450
Orlando, FL 32810
Nixer Comp is a national, A-VIII Rated program designed specifically to provide workers’ compensation for the Temporary Staffing Industry. We offer guarantee cost, small, intermediate, and large deductibles – nationally. Our payment plans include Pay-Go and Monthly-Self-Audits programs.
The Nixer Comp Advocacy Based Claims Model creates a winning relationship between the injured worker, our client-insured, the host-employer, the retail agent, and the Claims Adjuster by following staffing-tailored claims-handling guidelines and procedures.
This robust claims model includes 1-800-Claims Reporting, Nurse Triage, Telemedicine, Host Employer Claims Kits, Rx Pharmacy First-Fill Card Portal, Concierge Claims Adjusting, Managed Return-to-Work (RTW) Program, Fraud Prevention Program, Web-Based Claims Portal, Quarterly claims reviews, and Claims-Coordinator Training for the internal employees. Nixer Comp also provides OSHA, Risk Management, Safety, and Human Resources training through its web-based Learning Management System (nLMS). And our web-based Risk Management Portal (nRMP) puts a plethora of tools and knowledge into your internal employees hands.