Bring JobDiva to your Android devices and get access to Jobs, Candidates and Contacts anywhere! Features of JobDiva, the ultimate ERP platform for the staffing industry, are now available as an Android App to further increase your productivity as a Recruiter, Salesperson or Manager. This free App provides current JobDiva Users with access to their Jobs Dashboard to see:
1. Jobs with No Submittals
2. Jobs Pending More Submittals
3. Jobs Pending Interviews
4. Covered Jobs
5. Filled Jobs
It also provides a list of all My Jobs, which includes Notes, Activities, Users and Detailed information. Push Notifications will let Users know when they’ve been assigned to (or unassigned from) a Job. As the Status of a Job changes, Users will also be notified, so they’re not stuck working on a Job that just closed or missing the chance to work on one which has just re-opened. Notifications will also be pushed when Activities are scheduled on their Jobs, so that Users will know as soon as:
1. A Submittal or Interview is Scheduled
2. When there is a Hire
3. When a Hire is Cancelled
Users can also look up Candidates and Contacts by their names and/or contact information, such as phone number, address, or email. In addition to contact information, Candidate Records display all Notes, Activities and their Latest Resume. Contact Records show all Notes as well as contact information. Users can add Notes to Candidates and Contacts from these records as well! And this is just the start! More features will continue to be issued free to all JobDiva Users. For more information, go to or contact us at