Schedulehead Introduces Revolutionary Feature

Schedulehead” – a San Diego dot-com for employee scheduling has introduced a new feature that it calls a game changer. They are debuting a new feature called “Autotext”. A company spokesman was quoted as saying, “Autotext is there to fill sudden jobs and scheduling needs including any sudden bailouts by employees by automatically sending text messages out to workers. Employee scheduling is hard enough to stay on top of, but this feature increases the effectiveness of Schedulehead’s automatic employee scheduling. The less time managers have to spend figuring out if the event is staffed, the better.”

How it Works – Autotext is described by a Schedulehead employee as an incredibly simple, yet powerful tool for employee scheduling. If you have an event with open slots within a couple days of an event, a text will go out to the most qualified workers asking if they’d like to work that shift.  Schedulehead learns about workers’ performance and skills, and uses this information to decide who is most qualified.

Why is it Useful – Research shows that 99% of all employees have access to a cellphone with text messaging, while only 72% have access to mobile email. Similar research shows that employees are significantly more likely to answer a text than reply to and email or answer a phone call. This makes text messaging as a communication platform superior when trying to fill last minute holes in a schedule. “This is how Schedulehead uses the latest technology to innovate in the field of worker scheduling”, says a company Spokesman.

About Schedulehead – Schedulehead is involved in the research, development, and marketing of web-based employee scheduling software. The software allows intelligent automation of staff scheduling based on a number of key points that many managers would normally consider, but not many scheduling programs include such as seniority and quality of work. Schedulehead has helped schedule workers for event staffing companies, catering companies, temp agencies, schools, and volunteer groups.

To learn more about this company, please contact
Chris Davis, Media and Customer Relations
3639 Midway Dr. Suite B369
San Diego, Ca, 92103

