Corra Group Adds Medical Sanctions Background Check for Facilities Required to Monitor Their Healthcare Workers

In response to increased requests for the monitoring of healthcare sanctions, Corra Group has added a new healthcare monitoring system that will help keep medical facilities compliant with government compliance guidelines. The new healthcare monitoring system will allow hospitals, recruiters, and any entity within healthcare to monitor their personnel on a monthly basis.

“The new healthcare sanctions background check will return any sanctions and disciplinary actions imposed by the OIG or Office of Inspector General,” said Corra Group Co-Founder, Nick Gustavson. “Those on the excluded parties will also be listed, including those excluded by the State and Federal Medicaid agencies. The background check will search the SAM directories for other exclusions or disciplinary action for doctors and nurses, pharmacists, licensed physical therapists and any other licensing category within the healthcare industry.

“Corra Group has long offered the FACIS Level 3 Healthcare Sanctions background check,” said Gustavson. “While the FACIS 3 is the top of the line background search, the two other systems will meet compliance mandates while appealing to our client’s budgetary concerns. These systems are user friendly and priced competitively. A client can add or subtract its employees from the monitoring list as it sees fit.”

Gustavson pointed out that employers can monitor their healthcare staffs on a monthly basis. He suggested the healthcare sanctions monitoring systems should never be seen as a standalone part of employee screening, but should be supplemented with criminal records searches and in many cases education verification and employment verification. He noted that Corra Group offers several healthcare employment screening packages.

“If you candidate is, say, a travel nurse, or an employee who drives on the job, then you should be conducting the MVR or Motor Vehicle Records search not just at the time of hiring, but on a regular basis,” said Gustavson.

Gustavson noted that along with the more established medical facilities and healthcare related staffing agencies, many nascent healthcare oriented businesses contact Corra Group when they are just getting started.

“We consult with people starting up a business, and we advise them on what types of background checks we deem necessary for their employment screening programs,” said Gustavson. “Healthcare offers tremendous opportunity for the entrepreneur, but it is not without its challenges. You don’t want to put all that time and effort into building a business and then find your reputation tarnished because you found you hires were on the sanctions list or had a criminal past. That could be disaster waiting to happen.”

BACKGROUND: Corra operates as Corra Group and specializes in pre-employment screening and corporate research and investigation. It is one of the few companies that will answer the phone. You can review the website at
