2015 Winter/Spring HR and Benefits Webinar Series Announced by Benefit Express

Benefit Express Services, LLC, a leader in providing benefits administration for large, medium, and small organizations, has released the first half of its 2015 Winter and Spring webinar schedule. The first four webinars topics include:

  • Temporary Employees and the Employer Mandate
  • Keeping Up to Date With FMLA
  • New Developments in Health Care Reform
  • Latest and Greatest in HIPAA Rules

We know that everyone cant always attend our live webinars, which is why we think it is essential to provide the slides on our site. Our webinars are presented by Larry Grudzien, an ERISA attorney who specializes in employee benefits. Attendees are given the opportunity to ask questions throughout the presentation and receive expert answers. This is a valuable service we offer free of charge to the industry. These up-to-date insightful presentations can be great places to continually refer back to if you have any questions about specific HR or benefits topics, commented Monica Hinchey, Vice President of Client Relations for Benefit Express.

Below you can click on the links that will take you to the webinar registration page.

Webinar: Temporary Employees and the Employer Mandate Tuesday, February 3, 2015 1pm CST
Description: This webinar will review when temporary employees become your employees, factors the government uses to determine employment status, steps to avoid these employees becoming your employees and consequences under Health Care Reform.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7130875329336017154

Webinar: Keeping Up to Date With FMLA Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1pm CST
Description: This webinar will review how to determine employee eligibility, qualifying reasons to take FMLA, notice requirements when employees request FMLA, what coverage must continue while an employee is on leave and what happens if an employee does not return from leave.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4839523883440590850

Webinar: New Developments in Health Care Reform Thursday, March 5, 2015 1pm CST
Description: This webinar will cover all the latest updates in Health Care Reform.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3367937520825270018

Webinar: Latest and Greatest in HIPAA Rules Tuesday, March 17, 2015 1pm CST
Description: This webinar will review required forms and policies, required procedures, step by step guidelines on how to comply and notice requirements.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1185768679015504386

Benefit Express regularly hosts free educational webinars on issues that today’s HR and benefits professionals are most concerned about. We are constantly working to establish partnerships with industry experts that our clients want to hear from, commented Hinchey. Benefit Express offers webinar series throughout the year with topics including Healthcare Reform changes, COBRA rules and regulations, HIPAA training, HSAs and HRAs, wellness programs, welfare benefits, FMLA and more.
