Celebrating Fifty Years in the Industry
The staff at Funding Fanatics a div. of Marty Orenstein’s Staffing Network announced Marty will be celebrating Fifty Years in the industry on September 12, 2016. During this time Marty has participated in most niches of staffing & funding for staffing. While at Good People Temporaries, the staffing service he owned for 16 years, Marty and his company joined NATS in the mid-Eighties. While Worldwide Director at THISCO, a major funding source for staffing firms from 1991 to 2004 Marty continued his relationship with ASA by exhibiting and participating in their yearly conferences. He learned the value of taking a full page ad in Contemporary Times and Staffing Success. At times 20% of his business was derived from this worthwhile advertising. Along with meeting hundreds of industry people at the conferences as well as continuously enhancing his knowledge of continuously changing legislation. ASA has played a large part in his becoming a staffing industry leader. From 2004 to the current Marty is CEO of Funding Fanatics, a unique funding broker specifically for independent staffing firms. A good deal of Marty’s time is now spent on working with firms he placed for funding through the years. Passing on his vast experience on a volunteer basis to large staffing services as well as startups is a gratifying way in giving back to an industry which has served him well for fifty years.