A Guide to Technology Assessments for ERP & CRM Selection

Selecting a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) or customer relationship management (CRM) system is a significant investment for any organization. These critical business systems impact nearly every department and process, so choosing the right solution is essential. Yet, with so many options on the market, how can you thoroughly review potential platforms and help ensure the best fit for your organization’s unique needs? This is where conducting structured technology assessments comes in.

In this article, we’ll explore what technology assessments are, why they’re valuable for major software purchases. In addition, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to conducting an effective assessment during your ERP or CRM selection process.


What Are Technology Assessments?

A technology assessment is a systematic review of a software solution. It analyzes the technical capabilities, features, integrations, and overall fit of a technology platform for an organization’s specific requirements. Assessments enable deeply informed software selection by:

  • Identifying organizational needs, challenges, and requirements
  • Researching solution options and collecting detailed information
  • Objectively comparing solutions against criteria
  • Validating vendor qualifications through demos and discussions
  • Providing comparative data to inform selection decisions

For complex and business-critical systems like ERP and CRM, assessments are invaluable for mitigating project risks and selecting the right long-term solution.


Why Conduct a Technology Assessment?

Investing in an ERP or CRM system requires significant time and resources. The costs extend beyond software licensing, including implementation, training, integration, and ongoing maintenance. That’s why adequately vetting systems and vendors beforehand is crucial.

Key benefits of conducting technology assessments include:

  • Aligning software capabilities with business needs
  • Validating vendor selection criteria
  • Comparing solutions objectively beyond demos
  • Identifying configuration needs and limitations
  • Developing implementation requirements
  • Estimating total cost of ownership accurately
  • Reducing project risk and preventing issues down the road

For ERP and CRM projects, assessments especially lead to better software selection by focusing heavily on fit. This can mean the difference between deploying an adaptable solution that supports goals versus an ill-fitting system that hampers operations.


How to Conduct an Effective Technology Assessment

Ready to delve into the process of conducting a thorough value assessment? Discover Forvis Mazars recommended steps for evaluating a ERP and CRM systems here.

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